Mission and Organization

The NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository (NIGMS Repository) is sponsored by the National Institute of General   Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and supplies scientists with materials for accelerating cell and biomedical research. The resources available include highly characterized, contaminant-free cell cultures and high quality, well-characterized DNA samples derived from these cultures. Established in 1972 at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research, the NIGMS Repository contains more than 11,900 cell lines, primarily fibroblasts and transformed lymphoblasts, and over 6,200 DNA samples. Currently, the NIGMS HGCR catalog also contains over 180 iPSC lines. The NIGMS Repository has a major emphasis on heritable diseases and chromosomally aberrant cell lines. In addition, it contains a large collection dedicated to understanding human variation that includes samples from populations around the world, the CEPH collection, the Polymorphism Discovery Resource, and many apparently healthy controls. Human induced pluripotent stem cell lines, many of which were derived from NIGMS Repository fibroblasts, have recently become available through the NIGMS Repository.

Samples from the collection have been used in more than 8,100 publications and are distributed to scientists in more than 50 countries. This resource is continuously expanding to support new directions in human genetics.

Organization and Contact Information

NIH Staff

Ronald Adkins, Ph.D.Program Officer
Program Director

Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Marc Rigas, Ph.D.  - Science Officer
Program Director
Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology


Coriell Staff

Nahid Turan, Ph.D. - Principal Investigator
Email: nturan@coriell.org
Phone: (856) 757-4833

Matthew W. Mitchell, Ph.D. - Co-Principal Investigator
Email: mmitchell@coriell.org
Phone: (856) 412-6999

Jose Santana - Project Lead
Email: jsantana@coriell.org 
Phone: (856) 757-4849

Eunice Horton - Senior Project Manager 
Email: ehorton@coriell.org 
Phone: (856) 412-6992 

La Tonya Willis - Project Manager 
Email: lwillis@coriell.org   
Phone: (856) 966-5055

Harshleen Chawla - Project Manager 
Email: hchawla@coriell.org   
Phone: (856) 408-3739

Sophia Gross - Project Manager  
Email: sgross@coriell.org
Phone: (856) 668-2073

General Inquiries 

Email: NIGMS@coriell.org