African Caribbean in Barbados [ACB]

Available Samples Family Relationships
Cell Cultures: 120
DNA: 120
DNA Sample Panel: MGP00016
 Trios:  21
 Parent-Child Duos:  1
 Unrelated Individuals:  55

Population Description

These cell lines and DNA samples were prepared from blood samples collected from people living in Barbados, West Indies, a Caribbean island with a population predominantly of African descent sharing a common history with communities of West Africa. The donors have identified themselves as having at least three out of four grandparents who self-identify as African Caribbean and who were born in Barbados.

Referring to Populations

It is important to refer to this community as “African Caribbean in Barbados” when describing these samples in articles or presentations. Including the full name reinforces the point that the sample set does not represent of all people in Barbados, all people in the Caribbean, nor all people of African Caribbean descent. The population should not be described merely as “Barbadian” or as “African Caribbean”, terms that encompass many communities.

The full population descriptor is African Caribbean in Barbados  and the abbreviation is ACB.

Additional guidance about how to refer to the populations can be found at Guidelines for Referring to the Populations in Publications and Presentations.

Principal Investigators  

  • Kathleen C. Barnes - Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
  • Rasika A. Mathias - Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Caribbean Team    

  • Anselm Hennis - Chronic Disease Research Centre, Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Cave Hill Campus, The University of the West Indies 
    Faculty of Medical Sciences, Cave Hill Campus, The University of the West Indies 
  • Harold Watson - Faculty of Medical Sciences, Cave Hill Campus, The University of the West Indies 
  • Colin McKenzie - Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Mona Campus, The University of the West Indies

Sample Collection Team  

  • Cassandra Foster - Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
  • Pissamai and Trevor Maul - Chronic Disease Research Centre, Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Cave Hill Campus, The University of the West Indies