The advance search uses boolean statements to help you quickly find very specific samples. Begin by selecting a criteria from the dropdown menu (1). Next enter the specific value to be searched in the “Field Value” field (2). Please note that the characteristics of this field will change based on the type of criteria selected. When you click the “Add Field” button (3) the statement will appear in the query search box (10). You may use one of the operators to join additional statements (4). You may continue to add statements and join them with operators. You may use the parenthesis to group statements together (5). Clicking the “Search” button will execute the search query (8).
The results will be displayed in the grid below (11). You may click here for more information about how to navigate the grid. It is possible at this point to continue adding search terms. Clicking the “Search” button will update the results.
Typing in the “Free Text Search” field will filter the current result set (9). You may use the “Remove Last” button to remove the last search term that was entered (6). You may use the “Reset” button to clear the search terms and start again (7).